
ibas++registration form পূরণ করার পদ্ধতি ?

কখন আইবাস++ এ ibas++ registration form পূরণ করবেন ?

ibas++ self registration:

  • Require access to Integrated Budget and Accounting System (iBAS++).
  • For Ibas++the budget preparation
  • For Ibas++ accounting or budget execution
  • ডিডিও হিসেবে দায়িত্ব পালনের জন্য।
  • অতিরিক্ত ডিডিও হিসেবে দায়িত্ব পালনের জন্য।

ibas++ registration form ?

Financial System Management Unit

Finance Division, Ministry of Finance

Government of Bangladesh


To be completed by User (Applicant)

Name ( English) :——————————

Name ( Bangla) :——————————

Title / Designation: ————————-

Preferred Login ID: ————–
Email ID: _________________________________
Mobile No: ———————-

Office Code and Name*:  ————————-
National ID No.: —————————-
Signature: _________________________________                   ApplicantDate: ___________________________
User Role: † DDO    † Accounts Office  
Name of Supervisor: _______________________Title/Designation:_______________________
Signature: _________________________________                   SupervisorDate:_________________________________
To be completed by FSMU
  Group:     † Accounts    † Ministry Budget  † Dept. Budget  † FD Budget  Other: __________________
Allotted ID:  ____________________________ 
Created by: ____________________________Date Created:______________________
User informed and verified by: ______________Date Informed:_____________________

*    Please write the Level 2 and 3 code, along with the name of the office

The purpose of this form is to register all users that require access to Integrated Budget and Accounting System (iBAS++). All users who need to use iBAS++, including the budget preparation, accounting or budget execution, must complete this form.  

The information submitted will be used to build an accurate account of all those officers and staff accessing iBAS++as to maintain system security.  

No user will be granted access without having completed the information requested overleaf, and having had their application approved by their office supervisor.  


  • I (the applicant named overleaf) declare that the information given is correct and I agree to comply with all requirements or any other reasonable conditions that may be imposed by the FSMU in respect of iBAS++ access.
  • I (the applicant named overleaf) acknowledge that all information of iBAS++ is confidential and unauthorised disclosure, falsifying, damaging or any misuse is an offence.

গুগল নিউজ হতে আপডেট নিউজ সংগ্রহ করে নিতে পারেন।

ibas++ registration form ?

If approved, as an authorised user of iBAS++ you agree to:

  • Keep secure and not disclose to another person the unique user identifier (User Id) and password allocated to you;  
  • Only use the User Id/password to access data in the system that pertains to your role/designation;
      Notify the FSMU if you suspect that the security of your User Id/password is in any way compromised;  
  • Notify the FSMU if you gain access or otherwise receive data that does not pertain to your role/designation;  
  • Not falsify or damage any record or information stored in the system or breach any other security procedure;  
  • Not copy or distribute system data or applications to any person, machine or media, unless otherwise authorised;  

আরও জানুন: How create ibas++ registration of self drawing officer user (SDO) id

Notify the FSMU,if you

  • Change your current post;
  • Change the address or location of your normal place of connection;
  • Change any other information submitted overleaf.  

ibas++ self registration form করার ডাউনলোড করা উপায় ?

ibas++ user registration form word format ডাউনলোড করে নিতে পারেন।

ibas++ registration form pdf অথবা DDO REGISTRATION FORM pdf সংগ্রহ করে রাখতে পারেন।

১০ গ্রেড হতে ১ম গ্রেডে নতুন নিয়োগ প্রাপ্তদের ibas++ self registration করার ভিডিও দেখে নিতে পারেন।

ibas++ self registration

রিলেটেড ট্যাগঃ ibas++ ddo user registration form, ibas ddo user registration form pdf,ibas++ user registration form word format, Ddo information entry form,ibas++ registration form


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